What is freedom to you?
“To stay even in the midst of the other face of opposition . Art is not exciting when everything is allowed. Art is most interesting when negotiating boundaries , expands , explodes . The works that are beyond any modes are these that arose against resistance .”
From the interview with Hélène Grimaud in the SZ-Magazin No.34
Well here is always a time factor which plays a crucial role or even none at all, since developments against resistors obey its own rules . Like other phenomena such as flowing water or light phenomena.
To work across resistors – again and again – over the years creates a type of “resistance point” . And it´s not about being against something but much more a “fine adjust” on the border to be faithful self-binding. To stand for something – being here has a very different power and sustainability.
In the creation of boundaries in the above slide away in the scenic sense and with the active support of color and their immanence succeed condensations on the border – truths and boundary – stretching. Visible. Acting .