Color Field Painting Exhibition
April 30 – August 22, 2010
West Pfalzklinikum Kaiserslautern
With this exhibition gets ” art – cure” again another meaning . “Slowing down ” and breathe in a time where the body is asked to regeneration and reconstruction, where the mind and the soul should come to rest where time does not determine the timing of being but all forces are geared to a crisis internally and externally to deal with. A time when the pain of the whole body being determined , is in the foreground and can therefore be studied carefully. The spiritual insight on this soul -acting forces can assume the effectiveness of the pain body , integrate then no longer to be determined by him . Thus, a stay in a hospital are considered.
For introspection here joins the possibility of outdoor show in an exhibition in the form of art. This is based in mindful ” image viewing ” . Swatches in mind colors are the attentive eye and the troubled soul in the slow – becoming and ” perception – Hold”. Or they worry through dark colored areas and thereby create a different attention. Where fears are visible conscious ( ” threatening dark area “, ” negative -acting darker edge ,” ” positive , bright blue ” …) and there is the prospect of their power to push back . To make yourself free from settlements , but are not necessarily learned true. Should be at least covered in order to become free. Not for nothing Rudolf Steiner speaks of healing arts when he moves on the field of medicine . Where it comes to recovery , because the man should not always be considered in its entirety. And so art can contribute to recovery by addressing the people where rational thought is not sufficient .